
Cornucopia Nanaimo

Welcome to Cornucopia, enjoy your visit!

Cornucopia Nanaimo

Cornucopia prides itself in providing places for people interested in BDSM to meet others of like mind in settings that are comfortable and safe in Nanaimo and Central Vancouver Island.

The primary events held by the group are Play Parties and Munches. Rule number one: when attending any event, vanilla or kink related—please respect each other’s personal space. Just because we may be more open about our sexuality than others does not mean that any of us are out to "pick-up" someone for a one-night-stand or brief fling on the side. Get to know people first, treat others with respect, and build relationships.

Although kink is the common thread that brings us together, it’s the friendships that develop over time that hold us together.

Our Current Play Party Poster

Island Mayhem Was a blast!!

Displaying all 5 comments

Is the April 25th event still happening?

I'm looking forward to coming to an event! :)

Looking forward to meeting you all in the new year!

Now how do I get involved?